Having Two Homes

  • Write down the pros and cons of having two homes. Instead of thinking in black and white, notice the gray. Your parents are no longer fighting, you get to decorate two rooms, etc.
  • Tell yourself a different “story”. Instead of “I hate being split between two houses”, you can say, “It’s hard to be split, and this can be a good change for my family.”
  • Create as much normalcy for yourself as you can in each home by:
    • Talking to your parents about having your friends over in both homes, or being able to see or communicate with your friends while in each home.
    • Talking to your parents about supporting your extracurricular activities such as soccer, dance, football, etc., while you are in each home, so you will not have to miss practice or feel like this is something you are missing while you spend time in each home. 
  • If you can, make sure you have your things with you in both homes like games, a particular blanket, or anything that helps you to be comfortable while in each home.
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