Mediation / Arbitration

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Formal litigation - suing someone in court - has been used to resolve civil disputes for centuries. This traditional method of resolving disputes can be costly and time consuming. Many people don't know that there is another way of resolving disputes without going to court: it's called alternative dispute resolution.

Mediation and arbitration are two alternative dispute resolution processes available through the courts. These methods can be faster, less expensive, and more satisfying than litigation.


Information about Mediation Services

The Alternative Dispute Resolution programs encourage the use of ADR to the extent that it serves the interests of the involved parties. It is not intended to replace traditional litigation, only to supplement it, and to provide more flexibility in resolving disputes. The court has several mediation programs (PDF) overseen by the ADR department. To learn more about medation and arbitration processes please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.


Mediation Services

If you are a party to a dispute and need information on mediation services please choose one of the following:


Information for Mediators and Arbitrators

If you are a mediator or arbitrator currently on the court roster or if you are interested in applying to be on the roster please visit the Mediator/Arbitrator section.