Electronic filing is only available for specific cases:
- Debt Collection
- Eviction
- Small Claims cases that are using online dispute resolution
If you do not have one of these cases, you cannot file through My Court Case right now. See our page on Filing Procedures for help on how to file.
How to file in MyCourtCase
- Look under eDocument Preparation when you click File an eDocument
- Follow the instructions to file
- Serve your papers on the other parties in your case. See Service of Other Papers for more information
- View the home screen and look to confirm that your document was submitted
- When you file your papers in MyCourtCase they are submitted. Court staff accept must still accept them
- Court staff review your papers. If they accept them, they are filed. If court staff accept your papers a day after you submit them, your papers will still be considered filed on the date you submitted them
Returned papers
- If your papers are returned, check the reason under eDocument Preparation
- Look for “Revisions Needed” and click the red exclamation mark
- Make the needed changes before resubmitting
- Your resubmitted papers will be considered filed on the date you resubmit them
Changing papers after you have filed them
When you file papers in MyCourtCase, you cannot remove them. If you need to make corrections to a document you filed then you can file an amended pleading. Read Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 15 for guidance.