Juror Information / Juryroom

Going to Court

I've been directed to come to the courthouse. What do I do now?

Bring your summons with you. It qualifies you to receive $18.50 for your first day and $49 for each subsequent day of service.

Arrive at the jury assembly area on time. This is for the convenience of your fellow jurors as well as for the parties and court personnel. Be sure to allow a little extra time to go through security screening.

Most courthouses have security screening similar to airport security. You will walk through a magnetometer and your bag, briefcase, purse or backpack will be x-rayed or searched. Do not bring any weapons to the courthouse. No guns, knives, (including pen knives) scissors or the like. Illegal weapons will be confiscated. You will be told to store legal weapons in your car.

Make prior arrangements with your employer or teacher for your absence. Your employer may not dismiss you or threaten your employment if you report for jury service. Your employer cannot require you to take vacation leave. Contact the clerk if you need a letter from the court verifying your jury service.

Make prior arrangements for the care of your children or other dependents. There are no dependent care facilities at the courthouse.

If you have a disability and require accommodation, contact the clerk prior to attending. Contact the clerk if you have an emergency and cannot attend.

Dress appropriately for the importance of the proceedings.

Some delays are unavoidable. Bring reading material or work with you if you wish.