Juror Information / Juryroom

Notice: The Online Jury Qualification tool will be down tonight, March 6th, from 4:30-6:30 for maintenance 

I need to complete a Questionnaire

What do I do now?

Please contact the jury department for the current link to complete and submit the Questionnaire.

Once you have submitted the Questionnaire, you will receive an email with additional instructions.

Please review:

  • First Time Users of Cisco Webex Meetings - PDF
  • Webex Tips for Jurors: Jury Selection (voir dire) - PDF

Answers to frequently asked questions:

  1. You may not have someone else answer the questions for you. It is very important that the answers be yours and yours alone. Remember that there are no "right" or "wrong" answers; only truthful answers. You are sworn to give true and complete answers to all questions.
  2. The Questionnaire will be reviewed by the judge and the lawyers involved in the case. The Questionnaire will not be made public.
  3. If you are called for jury service, you will receive an email with a Summons for Jury Service. The Summons will include instructions regarding virtual jury selection, which will be conducted by WebEx video conferencing.
  4. You are not automatically excused from jury service if you answer "yes" to any of the COVID-19 questions. During jury selection, the judge will discuss any concerns that you may have regarding COVID-19 and then decide whether to excuse you.
  5. Information regarding the important steps that have been taken to protect the health and safety of jurors and all trial participants can be found here.