

This page explains how debt collection cases work. If you need to file an answer in your debt collection case you can find one in the forms section below. You can also file an answer using MyCase.

Are you looking for help responding to a debt collection lawsuit?
See our page on Answering a Complaint

Did you get a Request for Admission? 
See our page on Answering a Request for Rdmission.



This page discusses the process for cases involving debt collectors. Both federal and state laws govern debt collectors.

Under the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), a "debt collector" is someone who regularly collects debts owed to others. This includes collection agencies, lawyers who collect debts on a regular basis, and companies that buy delinquent debts and then try to collect them.

Credit card or mortgage companies are not considered "debt collectors" as defined in the FDCPA.

The person who is collecting the debt is called the creditor. The person the collection is against is called the debtor.


Notifying the Debtor

Before a debt collector can file a court case, they must send the debtor a written "validation notice" telling the debtor how much they owe, the name of the creditor, and how to dispute the debt or to seek verification of the debt.

The debtor has 30 days to dispute or request verification of the debt. "Verification" means asking for additional information, including the name of the original creditor.

The debtor may want to dispute the debt because they don't believe the debt is theirs, or they think the amount is incorrect. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers sample letters the debtor can use to dispute a debt.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires  debt collectors to send this validation notice. If they debt collector does not send the notice it is not a defense to the debt collection case. However, it could give the debtor an opportunity to sue the debt collector for violating the Fair Debt Colleciton Practices Act. 


Illegal Debt Collection Practices

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has several web pages that explain what debt collectors can and cannot do:

The Federal Trade Commission's Debt Collection page also provides information about the laws that govern debt collection practices.


Resolving the Case Outside of Court

Resolving a case outside of court can save time and money.


The parties can settle the case at any time in the process. The debtor can contact the creditor's attorney to see if they are willing to negotiate.

One example of a settlement is a payment plan, where both sides write an agreement that they debtor will pay the creditor a certain amount each month for a certain period of time. The amount could be the full amount owed, or it could be for something less than the full amount. The written agreement between the parties becomes an enforceable contract. If the debtor does not follow the contract, the creditor may file a new lawsuit to enforce the payment plan contract.

In some hardship cases (for example, in situations concerning a medical debt), the creditor may be willing to discuss the hardship with the debtor to reach a resolution of the debt.


The parties can hire a mediator to help them work through their dispute and to try to come to an agreement. See the Alternative Dispute Resolution page for more information about the process.


Starting a Debt Collection Case

A debt collector starts a debt collection case by filing a complaint with the court. A copy of the complaint and a document called a summons must be served on the debtor by one of the methods described in Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 4.

In the complaint, the creditor must explain what they are asking for in the lawsuit. It should include the amount owed and if applicable, information about the debt and any buyer/assignee.

The person who filed the case is the plaintiff. The person the case is against is the defendant.


Responding to a Debt Collection Case

See our page on answering a complaint


If the Defendant Doesn't Answer - Default Judgment

If the defendant is properly served and does not file an answer within the required time period, the plaintiff may ask for a default judgment. This means the plaintiff gets what they have asked for, and the defendant won't have a chance to tell their side of the story. For more information about the default process and forms, see our page on Default Judgments.


Disclosure and Discovery

If the parties want the court to settle the dispute, they must get ready to go to trial. As part of that process, each party has the opportunity to find out about the strengths and weaknesses of the other parties' case.

Some of the information must be disclosed to the other parties, which means the party with the information must provide it to the others without being asked for it. Other information must be discovered, which means the party with the information must provide it, but only if asked for it.

Examples of documents that must be disclosed include:

  • Information about what the claim is based upon
  • A "charge off," or summary of where the debt stopped being paid off
  • Payment history
  • Balance statement
  • Bill of Sale - if the collection involves a debt buyer/assignee.

Examples of discovery include:

  • Depositions - sworn testimony
  • Interrogatories - written answers to questions
  • Request for production of documents

See the court's Disclosure and Discovery page for more information about the rules governing these procedures.



If the plaintiff wins the case, either through default judgment or trial, they can start the process collect the money owed. The How to Collect a Judgment web page describes the processes a creditor can use, including garnishment.


Motion to Set Aside Judgment

A Motion to Set Aside Judgment is used to ask the court to set aside or "undo" a judgment or final order in a case, and to allow the case to move ahead as if the judgment had not been made. The Motion to Set Aside Judgment web page explains the process and provides forms.


Satisfaction of Judgment

Either party can file papers with the court to ask that the judgment be declared satisfied. The Satisfaction of Judgment web page explains the process and provides forms.


Motion to Renew Judgment

If the creditor has been unable to satisfy the judgment within the time allowed by law, they can ask the court to extend or "renew" the judgment to give them more time. The Motion to Renew Judgment web page explains the process and provides forms.



Forms for the plaintiff

Forms for the defendant