5th District Juvenile Court: Consequences
We compound our suffering by victimizing each other.
The Following Is A list of Consequences Given to Juvenile Offenders:
- Fines: Fines differ depending on the type of offense.
- Written Assignments: The probation officer may give the offender the assignment of writing an apology letter or report with regard to their behavior.
- Restitution: Whenever there is damage or loss to a victim restitution must be made in order to make the victim whole again. In some cases a juvenile and his/her family may not have the resources to pay restitution in cash. If they are under 16 years of age they may qualify for the Juvenile Court Restitution Work Team. Parents should request that the probation officer fill out a Restitution Fund Application. If they qualify the youth will complete work hours on the Work Team to earn money for the victim.
- Counseling: Some offenders are referred for counseling with regard to the behavior which led to the offense.
- The Court has at its discretion the ability to order, Psychological Evaluations and Risk/Needs Assessments. These tools can be valuable in deciding on treatment of young offenders
- Community Service: Community Service is a consequence given to those youth to perform work hours rather than pay fines. The work hours are completed on the Juvenile Court Work Team, or for public agencies. Community Service is an opportunity for young people to "payback" the community for their wrongful behavior.
- C.A.R.E. Program: C.A.R.E. (Creating Accountability and Responsibility Through Effort) is a program under the authority of Youth Corrections.
- Home Detention: Home detention is an alternative to detention. The offender must be with a parent/guardian at all times. The offender is not allowed to have phone calls or friends visit.
- Detention: In Washington County the Detention Center is located in St. George, Utah. It is known as the Washington County Youth Crisis Center. The Crisis Center houses juvenile offenders in detention and also is a shelter for those teens in family/personal crisis.
- GENESIS: Those youth on formal probation may be sent to GENESIS if they have a large amount of restitution or community service hours. GENESIS is located at Point of the Mountain in Draper, Utah.
- Youth Corrections Placement: There are a variety of different youth corrections placements available throughout the State of Utah. Placements include Community based placement as well as Secure care.
Mission of Juvenile Probation
"To protect the community from delinquency, to impose accountability for offenses committed, and to equip juvenile offenders with the required competencies to live productively and responsibly in the community".
The Balanced Approach
Community Protection
The public has a right to a safe and secure community; juvenile justice should develop a progressive response system to ensure offender control in the community and develop new ways to ensure public safety and respond to community concerns.
Competency Development
Offenders should leave the juvenile justice system more capable of productive participation in society.
Victim Reparation (Offender Accountability)
When a crime occurs, a debt occurs. Justice requires that every effort be made by offenders to restore losses suffered by victims.
Each juvenile offender has a unique set of circumstances and facts which have contributed to his/her delinquent behavior. The response by the system to the juvenile should be individualized, and be related to an assessment of the unique contributing factors.
Justice is best served when the community, victim, and youth receive balanced attention, and everyone gains tangible positive outcomes from their involvement with juvenile probation.
Community Protection

Competency Development
Victim Reparation
(Offender Accountability)