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Juvenile Courts

Juvenile Court Report Card to the Community


General Juvenile Court Information

Watch Rights of Juvenile Defendants Video

  • Rights of Juvenile Defendants Video (English) - YouTube
  • Rights of Juvenile Defendants Video (Español) - YouTube

Watch Navigating the Juvenile Court - Delinquencies Video

  • Navigating the Juvenile Court - Delinquencies - YouTube
  • Navigating the Juvenile Court - Delinquencies (Español) - YouTube

Juvenile Court Websites


Child Welfare

Watch Navigating Your Child Welfare Case - A Guide for Parents

  • A Guide for Parents Involved in the Utah Juvenile Court System (English) - YouTube
  • Cómo actuar cuando se tiene un caso de bienestar de menores (Spanish subtitles) - YouTube


Child Welfare Appeals

A Child Welfare Appeal is reviewed by the Court of Appeals.  It includes cases from juvenile court related to abuse, neglect, dependency proceedings, termination of parental rights, and adoptions. An appeal starts by filing a notice of appeal within 15 days of the juvenile court’s final judgment or order. The Court of Appeals bases its decision on the existing court record.  An appeal is not a new trial, and no new evidence will be accepted. The Guide to Appealing a Child Welfare Case can be found here


Child Welfare Mediation

Child Welfare Mediation involves the use of a skilled and unbiased third party to assist families, agencies, and attorneys in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution regarding child welfare and placement issues.


Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is a program where CASA volunteers work with children involved in abuse, neglect, or dependency cases. Appointed by the court, CASA Volunteers work under the direction and as an extension of the Guardian Ad Litem Attorney. They gather information about the child and family. They visit the child regularly, attend meetings and hearings, advocate for services, and work with the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) to make recommendations in the child's best interest.



Parents are legally obligated to provide the basic needs for their children until they are eighteen. If a person under eighteen marries or joins the U.S. Armed Forces, parents are no longer responsible for supporting them or for making decisions for them.

Utah has an emancipation law (Utah Code §78A-6-801 et seq.) which allows a minor 16 years or older to ask the juvenile court to declare them emancipated. Emancipation gives a minor under eighteen the rights and responsibilities of an adult. Emancipation forms are available on the court's website.


Expungement of Juvenile Record

Expungement seals a delinquency case after the case is resolved. In Juvenile court, some cases may qualify for automatic expungement, while others require you file paperwork to request an expungement. Expungement seals documents and requires other affected agencies to do the same. It does not erase what happened. If you have an adult record, you may need to expunge that record before you will qualify to expunge your juvenile court record.  

For more information click the links below:


Guardian ad Litem (GAL)

The Office of the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) provides court-appointed lawyers who represent the best interests of children and teens in alleged abuse, neglect, and dependency cases. The Guardian ad Litem makes sure that the child’s rights are protected, their voice is heard, and that the child’s best interests are considered.  

The Office of Guardian ad Litem also trains and keeps a list of Private Guardian ad Litem (PGAL) Lawyers who can be appointed by the court in difficult custody/visitation cases where abuse or neglect may have happened.


Guardianship of a Minor

Guardianship of a minor gives a guardian the legal authority to make decisions regarding the minor.


Juvenile Justice Process

Juvenile Justice Services provides an explanation illustrating the juvenile justice process.


Juvenile Court Petition Cover Sheet

  • 1138XX


Problem-Solving Courts

Problem-Solving Courts, including Adult Drug Courts; Adult Mental Health Courts; Juvenile Mental Health Court; Juvenile Family Dependency Drug Courts; Juvenile Drug Courts; and Veterans Drug Court are located throughout the state to provide programs specific to individual needs.


Declaration of Financial Status Forms

  • 1200JU
  • 1200.5JU