- Schedule A-people who must be served with the notice of hearing |
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Order Appointing Guardian for MINOR
- Acceptance of Appointment |
- Letter of Limited Guardianship |
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases |
Asking for Help with a Guardianship or Conservatorship
1 Getting help from the court
This page can help you if you are:
- worried about someone who has a guardian or conservator.
- a protected person and want to talk to the court about your case.
- a guardian or conservator and want the court to review the guardianship or conservatorship.
The protected person is the person who has a guardian or conservator to help them.
Looking for help with a guardianship or conservatorship of a minor?
This page can help with that too.
What do you need help with?
Choose the option below that best matches your situation to learn how to ask for help.
How old is the protected person?
You can file a motion asking the court to review the guardianship.
Are you the parent of the minor child?
If yes, and your case is in district court, you might have a legal right to spend time with your child. This is called "parent-time."
You can ask the court to order parent-time in your motion.
Utah Code 80-1-102 (70)(a).
Follow the steps below to ask the court for help.
Step 1 - fill out the papers and file them with the court
The forms below are required for everyone:
- Motion to Review/Change - minor
- Order on Motion to Review/Change - minor
1 You might need extra papers. Use these if your motion is about asking to add or change a guardian or conservator.
- Schedule A-people who must be served with the notice of hearing PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Order Appointing Conservator for a Minor PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Conservatorship PDF Form | Fillable Form
Step 2 - 1 file your papers with the court
Get help with how on our filing page.
Step 3 - 1 send copies of the papers
Send copies to:
- The protected person.
- The guardian or conservator.
- Anyone else who asked for notice.
How to send copies: follow the instructions on our serving other papers page.
Step 4 - go to the hearing
- The court will tell you when to go to court for the hearing.
- Important: Go to the hearing.
- Get ready - visit our going to court page.
After the hearing
- The judge will decide on your motion.
- Mediation: If someone disagrees, the court might send your case to mediation (a way to try and agree outside of court). For more about mediation, see the explanation page.
- Court Visitor: The court might ask a court visitor to look into the case and give the court more information. For more, see the court visitor program page.
Need more help with your motion?
Visit our page on motions.
Generally, the protected person is allowed to:
- Be as independent as possible
- Receive phone calls and mail
- Visit with friends and family
Utah Code 75-5-301.5 (2)(b) and (2)(o).
Follow the steps below to ask the court for help.
Step 1 - fill out the 1 papers and file them with the court
The forms below are required for everyone:
- Motion to Review/Change - ADULT
- Order on Motion to Review/Change - ADULT
1 You might need extra papers. Use these if your motion is about:
- if the the protected person can care for themself (capacity) - fill these out to ask for a free lawyer or an investigation.
- asking to add or change a guardian or conservator.
Forms to appoint a lawyer to represent the protected person
- Checklist - PDF | Word
- Request to Appoint an Attorney to Represent the Respondent PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Order Appointing an Attorney to Represent the Respondent in a Guardianship Proceeding PDF Form | Fillable Form
Forms to assign a court visitor to investigate what is happening
- Request to Assign a Court Visitor PDF Form | Fillable Form
Forms to appoint a doctor to examine the protected person and evaluate their ability to be independent
- Checklist - PDF | Word
- Request for Order to Examine Respondent PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Order Appointing Physician to Examine the Respondent in a Conservatorship Proceeding PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Report on Clinical Evaluation PDF Form | Fillable Form
If different from you, have the person who will be the new guardian fill these out:
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
Fill out these forms (but leave the order blank for the judge to sign)
- Order Appointing Guardian for an Adult PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
Pick one of these forms, based on the kind of guardianship in place.
- Letter of Limited Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Full Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
Fill out these forms (but leave the order blank for the judge to sign)
- Letter of Conservatorship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
Step 2 - 1 file your papers with the court
Get help with how on our filing page.
Step 3 - 1 send copies of the papers
Send copies to:
- The protected person
- The guardian or conservator
- Anyone else who asked for notice
How to send copies: follow the instructions on our serving other papers page.
Step 4 - go to the hearing
- The court will tell you when to go to court for the hearing.
- Important: Go to the hearing.
- Get ready - visit our going to court page.
After the hearing
- The judge will decide on your motion.
- Mediation: If someone disagrees, the court might send your case to mediation (a way to try and agree outside of court). For more about mediation, see the explanation page.
- Court Visitor: The court might ask a court visitor to look into the case and give the court more information. For more, see the court visitor program page.
Need more help with your motion?
Visit our page on motions.
Get help if you are worried about a protected person.
Key responsibilities of guardians and conservators for the protected person:
- help them.
- make good choices for them.
- manage their money carefully.
Learn more about:
Tell the court if you are worried that the guardian or conservator is not fulfilling their responsibilities.
Anyone can tell the court.
Even if you are not part of the case.
Utah Code 75-5-301.5(1)(c).
Tell the court by filing a Motion to Review.
The motion you need depends on how old the protected person is.
How old is the protected person?
You can file a motion asking the court to review the guardianship or conservatorship. Follow the steps below to ask the court for help.
Step 1 - fill out the papers and file them with the court
The forms below are required for everyone:
- Motion to Review/Change - minor
- Order on Motion to Review/Change - minor
1 You might need extra papers. Use these if your motion is about asking to add or change a guardian or conservator.
- Schedule A-people who must be served with the notice of hearing PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Order Appointing Guardian for MINOR
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Limited Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Schedule A-people who must be served with the notice of hearing PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Order Appointing Conservator for a Minor PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Conservatorship PDF Form | Fillable Form
Step 2 - 1 file your papers with the court
Get help with how on our filing page.
Step 3 - 1 send copies of the papers
Send copies to:
- The protected person.
- The guardian or conservator.
- Anyone else who asked for notice.
How to send copies: follow the instructions on our serving other papers page.
Step 4 - go to the hearing
- The court will tell you when to go to court for the hearing.
- Important: Go to the hearing.
- Get ready - visit our going to court page.
After the hearing
- The judge will decide on your motion.
- Mediation: If someone disagrees, the court might send your case to mediation (a way to try and agree outside of court). For more about mediation, see the explanation page.
- Court Visitor: The court might ask a court visitor to look into the case and give the court more information. For more, see the court visitor program page.
Need more help with your motion?
Visit our page on motions.
You can file a motion asking the court to review the guardianship or conservatorship. Follow the steps below to ask the court for help.
Is your motion about whether the protected person can make their own decisions? (This is called "capacity")
If yes, they have the right to a lawyer at the court hearing.
Utah Code 75-5-301.5 (2)(a) and 75-5-303 (2)(b).
Step 1 - fill out the 1 papers and file them with the court
The forms below are required for everyone:
- Motion to Review/Change - ADULT
- Order on Motion to Review/Change - ADULT
1 You might need extra papers. Use these if your motion is about:
- if the the protected person can care for themself (capacity) - fill these out to ask for a free lawyer or an investigation.
- asking to add or change a guardian or conservator.
Forms to appoint a lawyer to represent the protected person
- Checklist - PDF | Word
- Request to Appoint an Attorney to Represent the Respondent PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Order Appointing an Attorney to Represent the Respondent in a Guardianship Proceeding PDF Form | Fillable Form
Forms to assign a court visitor to investigate what is happening
- Request to Assign a Court Visitor PDF Form | Fillable Form
Forms to appoint a doctor to examine the protected person and evaluate their ability to be independent
- Checklist - PDF | Word
- Request for Order to Examine Respondent PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Order Appointing Physician to Examine the Respondent in a Conservatorship Proceeding PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Report on Clinical Evaluation PDF Form | Fillable Form
If different from you, have the person who will be the new guardian fill these out:
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
Fill out these forms (but leave the order blank for the judge to sign)
- Order Appointing Guardian for an Adult PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
Pick one of these forms, based on the kind of guardianship in place.
- Letter of Limited Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Full Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
Fill out these forms (but leave the order blank for the judge to sign)
- Letter of Conservatorship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
Step 2 - 1 file your papers with the court
Get help with how on our filing page.
Step 3 - 1 send copies of the papers
Send copies to:
- The protected person
- The guardian or conservator
- Anyone else who asked for notice
How to send copies: follow the instructions on our serving other papers page.
Step 4 - go to the hearing
- The court will tell you when to go to court for the hearing.
- Important: Go to the hearing.
- Get ready - visit our going to court page.
After the hearing
- The judge will decide on your motion.
- Mediation: If someone disagrees, the court might send your case to mediation (a way to try and agree outside of court). For more about mediation, see the explanation page.
- Court Visitor: The court might ask a court visitor to look into the case and give the court more information. For more, see the court visitor program page.
Need more help with your motion?
Visit our page on motions.
How old is the protected person?
If you need help from the court or want the court to check on the guardianship or conservatorship, you can fill out a form called a Motion to Review or Change. Follow the steps below.
Step 1 - fill out the papers and file them with the court
The forms below are required for everyone:
- Motion to Review/Change - minor
- Order on Motion to Review/Change - minor
1 You might need extra papers. Use these if your motion is about asking to add or change a guardian or conservator.
- Schedule A-people who must be served with the notice of hearing PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Order Appointing Guardian for MINOR
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Limited Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Schedule A-people who must be served with the notice of hearing PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Order Appointing Conservator for a Minor PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Conservatorship PDF Form | Fillable Form
Step 2 - 1 file your papers with the court
Get help with how on our filing page.
Step 3 - 1 send copies of the papers
Send copies to:
- The protected person.
- The guardian or conservator.
- Anyone else who asked for notice.
How to send copies: follow the instructions on our serving other papers page.
Step 4 - go to the hearing
- The court will tell you when to go to court for the hearing.
- Important: Go to the hearing.
- Get ready - visit our going to court page.
After the hearing
- The judge will decide on your motion.
- Mediation: If someone disagrees, the court might send your case to mediation (a way to try and agree outside of court). For more about mediation, see the explanation page.
- Court Visitor: The court might ask a court visitor to look into the case and give the court more information. For more, see the court visitor program page.
Need more help with your motion?
Visit our page on motions.
If you need help from the court or want the court to check on the guardianship or conservatorship, you can fill out a form called a Motion to Review or Change. Follow the steps below.
Step 1 - fill out the 1 papers and file them with the court
The forms below are required for everyone:
- Motion to Review/Change - ADULT
- Order on Motion to Review/Change - ADULT
1 You might need extra papers. Use these if your motion is about:
- if the the protected person can care for themself (capacity) - fill these out to ask for a free lawyer or an investigation.
- asking to add or change a guardian or conservator.
Forms to appoint a lawyer to represent the protected person
- Checklist - PDF | Word
- Request to Appoint an Attorney to Represent the Respondent PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Order Appointing an Attorney to Represent the Respondent in a Guardianship Proceeding PDF Form | Fillable Form
Forms to assign a court visitor to investigate what is happening
- Request to Assign a Court Visitor PDF Form | Fillable Form
Forms to appoint a doctor to examine the protected person and evaluate their ability to be independent
- Checklist - PDF | Word
- Request for Order to Examine Respondent PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Order Appointing Physician to Examine the Respondent in a Conservatorship Proceeding PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Report on Clinical Evaluation PDF Form | Fillable Form
If different from you, have the person who will be the new guardian fill these out:
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
Fill out these forms (but leave the order blank for the judge to sign)
- Order Appointing Guardian for an Adult PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
Pick one of these forms, based on the kind of guardianship in place.
- Letter of Limited Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Full Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
Fill out these forms (but leave the order blank for the judge to sign)
- Letter of Conservatorship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
Step 2 - 1 file your papers with the court
Get help with how on our filing page.
Step 3 - 1 send copies of the papers
Send copies to:
- The protected person
- The guardian or conservator
- Anyone else who asked for notice
How to send copies: follow the instructions on our serving other papers page.
Step 4 - go to the hearing
- The court will tell you when to go to court for the hearing.
- Important: Go to the hearing.
- Get ready - visit our going to court page.
After the hearing
- The judge will decide on your motion.
- Mediation: If someone disagrees, the court might send your case to mediation (a way to try and agree outside of court). For more about mediation, see the explanation page.
- Court Visitor: The court might ask a court visitor to look into the case and give the court more information. For more, see the court visitor program page.
Need more help with your motion?
Visit our page on motions.
How old is the protected person?
Do you need to end the guardianship or conservatorship?
See the our page on changing or ending a guardianship or conservatorship.
If you need something else, you can file a motion asking the court to review the guardianship or conservatorship. Follow the steps below to ask the court for help.
Step 1 - fill out the papers and file them with the court
The forms below are required for everyone:
- Motion to Review/Change - minor
- Order on Motion to Review/Change - minor
1 You might need extra papers. Use these if your motion is about asking to add or change a guardian or conservator.
- Schedule A-people who must be served with the notice of hearing PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Order Appointing Guardian for MINOR
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Limited Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Schedule A-people who must be served with the notice of hearing PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Order Appointing Conservator for a Minor PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Conservatorship PDF Form | Fillable Form
Step 2 - 1 file your papers with the court
Get help with how on our filing page.
Step 3 - 1 send copies of the papers
Send copies to:
- The protected person.
- The guardian or conservator.
- Anyone else who asked for notice.
How to send copies: follow the instructions on our serving other papers page.
Step 4 - go to the hearing
- The court will tell you when to go to court for the hearing.
- Important: Go to the hearing.
- Get ready - visit our going to court page.
After the hearing
- The judge will decide on your motion.
- Mediation: If someone disagrees, the court might send your case to mediation (a way to try and agree outside of court). For more about mediation, see the explanation page.
- Court Visitor: The court might ask a court visitor to look into the case and give the court more information. For more, see the court visitor program page.
Need more help with your motion?
Visit our page on motions.
As an adult, the protected person can generally:
- Be as independent as possible.
- Have freedom in life choices.
- Ask for court review.
- Have someone speak up them.
Learn more about the rights of a protected person.
Utah Code 75-5-301.5(1)(c) and (2)(h).
You can file a motion asking the court to review the guardianship or conservatorship. Follow the steps below to ask the court for help.
Is your motion about whether the protected person can make their own decisions? (This is called "capacity")
If yes, they have the right to a lawyer at the court hearing.
Utah Code 75-5-301.5 (2)(a) and 75-5-303 (2)(b).
Step 1 - fill out the 1 papers and file them with the court
The forms below are required for everyone:
- Motion to Review/Change - ADULT
- Order on Motion to Review/Change - ADULT
1 You might need extra papers. Use these if your motion is about:
- if the the protected person can care for themself (capacity) - fill these out to ask for a free lawyer or an investigation.
- asking to add or change a guardian or conservator.
Forms to appoint a lawyer to represent the protected person
- Checklist - PDF | Word
- Request to Appoint an Attorney to Represent the Respondent PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Order Appointing an Attorney to Represent the Respondent in a Guardianship Proceeding PDF Form | Fillable Form
Forms to assign a court visitor to investigate what is happening
- Request to Assign a Court Visitor PDF Form | Fillable Form
Forms to appoint a doctor to examine the protected person and evaluate their ability to be independent
- Checklist - PDF | Word
- Request for Order to Examine Respondent PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Order Appointing Physician to Examine the Respondent in a Conservatorship Proceeding PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Report on Clinical Evaluation PDF Form | Fillable Form
If different from you, have the person who will be the new guardian fill these out:
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
Fill out these forms (but leave the order blank for the judge to sign)
- Order Appointing Guardian for an Adult PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
Pick one of these forms, based on the kind of guardianship in place.
- Letter of Limited Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Letter of Full Guardianship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Forms for Guardianship and Conservatorship Pre-appointment Test
- Acceptance of Appointment PDF Form | Fillable Form
Fill out these forms (but leave the order blank for the judge to sign)
- Letter of Conservatorship PDF Form | Fillable Form
- Private Information Record in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases PDF Form | Fillable Form
Step 2 - 1 file your papers with the court
Get help with how on our filing page.
Step 3 - 1 send copies of the papers
Send copies to:
- The protected person
- The guardian or conservator
- Anyone else who asked for notice
How to send copies: follow the instructions on our serving other papers page.
Step 4 - go to the hearing
- The court will tell you when to go to court for the hearing.
- Important: Go to the hearing.
- Get ready - visit our going to court page.
After the hearing
- The judge will decide on your motion.
- Mediation: If someone disagrees, the court might send your case to mediation (a way to try and agree outside of court). For more about mediation, see the explanation page.
- Court Visitor: The court might ask a court visitor to look into the case and give the court more information. For more, see the court visitor program page.
Need more help with your motion?
Visit our page on motions.
Not seeing what you are looking for?
You can find other information about these topics on our Guardianship and Conservatorship page.
If you have questions about any of this, please visit our page on Finding Legal Help.