Judge Suchada P. Bazzelle was appointed to the Fourth District Juvenile Court in January 2007 by Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. She serves Utah County. Judge Bazzelle graduated from the University of Colorado in 1990 with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and received a law degree from Brigham Young University in 1994. Judge Bazzelle worked in private practice from 1994 to 1998, focusing on family law and general litigation. From 1997 to 2000, she served as the Director of Legal Education for Westminster College. Judge Bazzelle began working as a volunteer Guardian ad Litem in 1997 and joined the Office of the Guardian ad Litem in August 2000, where she served in the Third District Juvenile Court until her appointment to the bench. She served as a member of the Board of Juvenile Court Judges from 2008 to 2014 and was the Board chair from 2010-2011. Judge Bazzelle has also served as Presiding Judge of the Fourth District Juvenile Court from 2014-2018. In 2019, Judge Bazzelle was appointed as the Juvenile Court representative for the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice. She has conducted a child welfare adult drug court and a juvenile delinquency drug court, and is currently serving as the judge for a Safe Babies Court, which is a pilot program focusing on better serving children zero to three years of age. 6/21

Fourth District Juvenile Court Judges