You can only sue someone to get money in small claims cases. You cannot ask the court to order the other person to do something (like give back property). The most you can ask for is $20,000. That amount includes lawyer fees, but does not include court costs or interest.
You cannot sue a government agency or sue to evict someone. You might want advice if your case doesn’t fit these limits. See our Finding Legal Help page to learn more.
Utah Code 63G-7-201, and 78A-8-102.
Is your case about a car accident? Keep reading for more details. If not, skip to step 2.
If someone damaged your property (like your car) in a car accident, you can also sue for injuries. If you sue for injuries you can either:
Sue for injuries in the same small claims case, or
File a separate case for injuries
Utah Code 78A-8-102.
If you file two cases, one case does not decide the other. You could win property but lose injury.
If you file two cases, only ask for property damage in the property case. Don't ask for more property damage in the injury case.