Appendix C: Bibliography

I. Appendix C: Bibliography

Ainsworth, Janet E. Re-imagining Childhood and Reconstructing the Legal Order: The Case for Abolishing the Juvenile Court, 69 N.C.L. Rev. 1083 (1991).

America's Children at Risk: A National Agenda for Legal Action, American Bar Association Working Group on the Unmet Legal Needs of Children and their Families (July 1993).

Arthur, Lindsay G., A Family court--Why not?, 51 Minn. L. Rev. 223 (1966).

Baar, Carl, Trial court unification in practice, Judicature (January 1993).

Behind closed doors: Confidential settlements and sealed court records, 76 Judicature 303 (April/May 1993).

Bohlman, Bruce E., A Family Court for North Dakota, 67 North Dakota Law Review 353 (1991).

Children and Families First: A Mandate for America's Courts, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (1993)

Christean, Arthur G., Family Court: Why and Why Not? A Summary of the Major Arguments Supporting and Opposing Such a Court in Utah, (1985).

Christean, Arthur G., The Events Leading to the Establishment of Utah's Independent Juvenile Court, Utah Juvenile Court Handbook, (1986).

Daley, Henry W.K. and Keilitz, Susan L., Court-based Family Mediation Programs, 16 State Court Journal 24 (Fall 1992).

Dawson, Robert O. The Future of Juvenile Justice: Is It Time to Abolish the System, 81 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 136 (1990).

Edwards, Leonard P. Fulfilling the Expectations for the Juvenile Court Judge, Juvenile and Family Law Court Journal, (1992).

Edwards, Leonard P. The Juvenile Court and the Role of the Juvenile Court Judge, 43 Juvenile and Family Court Journal 1 (1992).

Federle, Katherine H. The Abolition of the Juvenile Court: A Proposal for the Preservation of Children's Legal Rights, 16 J. Contemp. L. 23 (1990).

Feld, Barry C. The Transformation of the Juvenile Court, 75 Minn. L. Rev. 691 (1991).

Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Criminal Justice, Utah, (November 1978).

Final Report of the Governor's Task Force on Family Law, Maryland, (October 1992).

Final Report of the Senate Task Force on Family Relation Court, Senate Task Force on Family Relations Court, California (November 1990).

Final Report of the Utah Commission on Justice in the Twenty-first Century, (1991).

Flango, Carol R., A Statistical View of the Divorce Caseload in the Nation's State Courts, 16 State Court Journal 6 (Fall 1992).

Gardner, Martin R. Punitive Juvenile Justice: Some Observations on a Recent Trend, 10 Int'l. J.L. & Psychiatry 129 (1987).

Garff, Regnal A., The Emancipation of the Juvenile Court (1957 - 1965), (1992).

Gerber, Rudolph J., Recommendation on Domestic Relations Reform, 32 Arizona Law Review 9 (1990).

Hendrickson, Richard D., Media Access to Juvenile Courts: An Update, Juvenile & Family Court Journal 27 (1993).

Himes, J. Fraser and Feder Richard Y., Family law Judicial System: Indictment from Within, Florida Bar Journal 11 (November 1987).

Hurst, Hunter, Judicial Rotation in Juvenile and Family Courts: A View from the Judiciary, Juvenile and Family Court Journal (1991).

Hurst, Hunter and Kuhn, Jeffrey A., A Family Department for the District Courts of Kansas, The Corporation for Change (May 1993).

Increasing Access to Justice for Maryland's Families, Advisory Council on Family Legal Needs of Low Income Persons, A Joint Project of the Maryland Legal Services Corporation and the University of Baltimore School of Law, (March 1992).

Justice in the Balance 2020 Report of the Commission on the Future of the California Courts (1993)

Katz, Sanford N. and Kuhn, Jeffrey A., Recommendations for a Model Family Court, National Family Court Symposium, (1991).

Keeping Families Together: The Case for Family Preservation, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, (1985).

Krisberg, Barry, In Whose Best Interests?, The Champion 7 (June 1993).

Lou, Herbert H., The Future of Juvenile Court, Arno Press, New York, 1972.

Melton, Jerry W., Mediation: An Effective Method for Resolving Family Law Disputes, 56 Texas Bar Journal 484 (May 1993).

Milne, Ann L., Family law From a Family System Perspective -- The Binary Equation, 21 Pacific Law Journal 933 (1990).

Mirell, Douglas E. and Fainer Jr., David C. Delinquency Hearings and the First Amendment: Reassessing Juvenile Court Confidentiality Upon the Demise of "Conditional Access", 13 University of California, Davis Law Review 123 (1979).

Monarski, Franciszka A. Rehabilitation vs. Punishment: A Comparative Analysis of the Juvenile Justice Systems in Massachusetts and New York, 21 Suffolk U.L. Rev. 1091 (1987).

Mulvey, Edward P. Family Courts: The Issue of Reasonable Goals, 5 Law & Human Behavior 49 (1982).

The Pace of Litigation in Utah's State District Courts, Utah Judicial Council (April 1991)

Page, Robert W., Family Courts: An Effective Judicial Approach to the Resolution of Family Disputes, 44 Juvenile and Family Law Journal 1 (1993).

Plapinger, Elizabeth and Shaw, Margaret, Managing and ADR Program, The Court Management and Administration Report, (May 1993).

Paulsen, Monrad G., Critical Appraisals of the Juvenile Court, 54 Calif. L. Rev. 694 (1966).

Pound, Roscoe, Organization of Courts, Little Brown and Company, Boston, (1940).

Pound, Roscoe, The Place of the Family Court in the Judicial System, 5 Crime & Delinq. 161 (1959).

Pozanski, Margot M and Bassett Scott, A Family Court for Michigan?, Michigan Bar Journal 657 (July 1987).

Proposed Integration of the Family Court with the Federal Court of Australia, 61 A.L.J. 209 (1987).

Rigby, Kenneth J., Alternate Dispute Resolution, 44 Louisiana Law Review 1725 (1984).

Recommendations of the Utah State Bar Concerning Adoption of a Unified Court for Utah, Unified Court Committee of the Utah State Bar (April 22, 1972).

Report Number 25 of the Office of Legislative General Council to the 43d Legislature, Utah (1979).

Report of a study requested by Governor Calvin L. Rampton of the Utah Juvenile Justice System, Youth Development and Delinquency Prevention Administration, Social and Rehabilitation Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. December 16, 1971.

Report of the Commission on Family Courts, Florida (March 1, 1991).

Report of the Judicial Council of Virginia on the Family Court Pilot Project, (1993).

Report of the Utah State Bar's Assessment of Unmet Legal Needs in Utah and Volunteer Legal Services Plan of Action (June 10, 1994).

Report to the 112th Legislature of Maine from the Commission to Study Family Matters in Court, (March 1986).

Reske, Henry J., Domestic Retaliations: Escalating Violence in the Family Courts, 79 American Bar Journal 48 (July 1993).

Resolving the Ethical, Moral and Social Mandates of the Juvenile and Family Court, 44 Juvenile and Family Court Journal 6-7, 9-11 (1993)

Rubin, H. Ted and Flango, Victor Eugene, Court Coordination of Family Cases, National Center for State Courts, (1992).

Sanborn, Joseph B., The right to a public trial: a need for today's juvenile court, 76 Judicature 230 (Feb/Mar 1993).

Sanborn, Joseph B. The Rise and Fall of Juvenile Court: The Separation and Reunion of constitution and Juvenile Defendant, (1984).

Standards Relating to Court Organization and Administration, IJA-ABA Joint Commission on Juvenile Justice Standards, Mass., (1977).

Standards Relating to Court Organization, ABA Judicial Administration Division, (1990).

State Court Organization 1987, Conference of State Court Administrators and The National Center for State Courts, (1988).

Steinberg, Ralph, Family Law Division: An Alternative to a Separate Family Law Court System, Florida Bar Journal 24 (July/August 1988).

Szymanski, Linda A., Courts Exercising Family Court Jurisdiction, National Center for State Courts, (1990).

Szymanski, Linda, Theresa Homisak, and E. Hunter Hurst, Policy Alternatives and Current Court Practice in the Special Problem Areas of Jurisdiction Over the Family, National Center for Juvenile Justice (1993)

Thoennes, Nancy, Jurisdictional Issues Between Juvenile & Domestic Relations Courts, 27 Judges' Journal 19 (1988).

Utah Courts Tomorrow: Report and Recommendations of the Unified Courts Advisory Committee, Utah Legislative Council (September 1972).

Woods, Laurie, Mediation: A Backlash to Women's Progress on Family Law Issues, Clearinghouse Review 431 (Summer 1985)

Ziegler, E. F., History of the Utah Juvenile Court, Utah Juvenile Court Handbook, (1986).

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