The Co-Parenting Mediation Program

In an attempt to provide swift response to parents with parent-time (visitation) problems, the 1997 Utah State Legislature enacted the Expedited Parent-time Enforcement Pilot Program, more commonly known as the Co-Parenting Mediation Program. The Utah State Legislature elevated the Third District Court Co-Parenting Mediation Program to permanency in the 2008 legislative session. This program has been developed on the premise that children's best interests are served when their parents work cooperatively to meet their physical, mental, and emotional needs.


The Co-Parenting Mediation Program helps parents resolve parent-time (visitation) problems without formal court intervention and foster a healthy climate in which their children may be raised. To fulfill its purpose, the program uses mediation to resolve disputes, recruiting and maintaining a roster of experienced, private mediators who conduct the mediation sessions. The program may also provide information regarding parent-time (visitation) services, including supervised parent-time and neutral pick up and drop off, co-parenting education classes, and the development of parenting plans.